Scott Shawyer, the First Canadian to Finish the New York Vendée

Scott Shawyer, the First Canadian to Finish the New York Vendée

Scott Shawyer, the First Canadian to Finish the New York Vendée


Scott Shawyer, the skipper of the IMOCA Be Water Positive, has completed his first solo transatlantic race from the US to France. By crossing the finish line yesterday evening, the Canadian also became the first from his country to complete the New York Vendée race.
After 14 days of racing, Scott Shawyer covered the 3,100 nautical miles that separated New York from Les Sables d’Olonne, France. This first participation in the New York Vendée marks an important performance milestone in Scott’s project and affirms the team’s commitment to sustainable water management with his partners H2O Innovation and IDRA.

 From the pontoons in Les Sables d’Olonne Scott reflected on his first solo race:

“Due to the weather patterns, we experienced in this race, the time spent at sea was longer than initially expected. I had mentally prepared myself to be at sea for anywhere between 10 to 13 days, but once the race was underway, I was immediately immersed in the competition and the days began to simply peel away.

There were many periods during the race when my nerves and patience were greatly tested, but for the most part, I found enormous motivation and reward in both my performance against those around me and my connection to the ocean and solitude.

 I started this race after having trained hard, I had a lot of personal belief and specific goals. I can openly say that I have exceeded the expectations I placed upon myself. My confidence grew enormously every day, as did my feeling of belonging—not just in this fleet, racing among the best solo offshore racers in the world, but also in the peace I found in solitude and the beauty of being so connected to the sea and the elements. Without over-romanticizing the experience, over the past 15 days, I have genuinely lived out my vision and dream: competing in this sport, among this fleet, in these boats, immersed in nature upon a vast ocean.

 For a very long time, I wondered what it must be like to race solo across an ocean, and now I know. I have shared an incredible adventure and experience alongside my fellow competitors and have planned and executed a huge personal goal with the support of my family, friends, sponsors, and team. This is an experience and memory that I will treasure forever.”

 Now the team will return the boat to their base in Gosport, UK and Scott will take a well deserved rest.